Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2011 First Quarter Results

We are off to a powerful start in 2011, with all facets of the Adidas Group accelerating since year end 2010. Thanks to your hard work and dedication we achieved a new first quarter sales record of 3.5 billion, up 20% from our first quarter earnings in 2010. More importantly, our $3.5 billion in net sales is our highest quarterly growth rate in almost five years. This quarter also exhibited strong double-digit growth in our key three markets, which are North America, Greater China, and Russia, with a growth of 25%, 36%, and 44% respectively. This increase in net sales was fostered by a 20% in wholesale sales, a 25% increase in retail net sales, and an 18% increase in other business sales. More specifically, our Wholesale income represented 70% of first quarter net sales followed by 20% from retail and 10% from other businesses.

With our continued tremendous efforts, I firmly believe we can position ourselves in such a way that we can become the most powerful global sports and lifestyle brand in the world in the years to come. In fact, Reebok is just getting started! Congratulations on the first quarter and keep up the good work!  


  1. I liked your repetitive use of "powerful" throughout the communication starting off with the introductry sentence! Gave me a sense of your strength as an organization which stuck in my mind throughout the communication!

  2. Your theme of becoming a powerful global brand is well-backed by impressive numbers. Even the most pessimistic of employees would have little hold onto against such a well documented successful quarter.

  3. I like the financial detail you have provided to the reader. This provides a great of job security to the workers.

  4. Hi Caitlin,
    I am following Nike stock for some time so I can relate your message regarding the business performance. Adidas being competitor of Nike, I know that Adidas growth is truely showing up in last few quarters.

    Looking at some future events, I think the comment of London Olympics would have been encouraging for employees as that is going to bring more business and commitment from employees. Thank you for sharing this.

    If you are interested to see Adidas performance, you can go to this Yahoo Finance link: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/co?s=NKE+Competitors

  5. The closing is great. Good use of the language of inclusion and teamwork. Congratulating the employees is a nice touch.

  6. Nice work Caitlin. I liked the detail you placed on providing the financial figures. This really gives your audience a great idea of how well your company has performed. I also really liked your closing. It provided your audience Reebok's vision for the future, and was written in a way that makes the reader truly believe this vision will be achieved.

  7. This very well written Caitlin, it empowers employees by explaining the companies success, tells them how it was done, and provides a goal to work harder to in the future.

  8. Really nice job conveying the numbers and global opportunity for growth. I like that you congratulated the employees for the growth, recognizing they have put in tremendous effort. The use of words like "power" really make this a meaningful statement.

  9. Nice work Caitlin. This message was very credible as you included many financial results. With your closing paragraph, you can just feel the confidence that you have in your employees to deliver exceptional results in the future. Great work!
