Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reebok 2011 First Quarter Results - Audio

Click here to access a recap on Reebok's 2011 First Quarter Results!

Once you open the link, you must click download on the top of the file in order to be able to view the audio via PowerPoint!


  1. Caitlin, when I click on the link, it says that the document is not available. You may have to go into your google documents and change the security settings on this document to allow access by those who have the link.

  2. Same here, Caitlin! Here's the message that pops up:

    Sorry, the page (or document) you have requested is not available.

    Please check the address and try again.


  3. David and Khalid,
    Thanks for the heads up! I forgot to change the security settings on my document. I adjusted it so that anyone who has the link can view my document. Thanks again

  4. Nice work Caitlin. Your slides complimented your audio presentation very effectively! You can definitely feel your confidence in Reebok and thought you concluded this quarterly announcement extremely well!

  5. Very nice delivery of results especially discussing about Wholesale/Retail/Other areas of revenue generation. For Reebok's products, I see the importance of breaking Revenue in these segments as it gives depth to the analysis. Last slide is also good showcasing all Reebok products.

    May be charts with axis titles would be more intuitive especially if CEO is presenting this.

  6. Nice work Caitlin. Your first slide presented your information in a nice, clean format without any distractions from the information you presented. I also thought your final slide showcased your new products well. You spoke well and presented the message effectively.

  7. Caitlin- You work this session has been great and this message did not disappoint.!

    I can tell by youy voice and your message that you would be a great person to work with and you are totally into your company!

    I also liked the slide showcasing your new product! Great Job!

  8. Your audio was great. Very clear, very enthusiastic, just as I would expect a Reebok representative to convey a message.
    I think you did a really nice job on the charts and liked the second slide as your attention getter. I might have put the second slide first? You do some really nice, professional work.

  9. Well done Caitlin. Your first slide enables the listener to follow along closely as you review the outstanding figures for the quarter. The second slide does a nice job of showcasing the latest products to your employees. The presentation was very professional overall and I think it will effectively keep the attention and stick with the employees.

  10. Powerful message and easy to follow. Your presentation does a good show of exemplifying your written message.

  11. Caitlin, I liked the use of charts to support your presentation. I would have like to see a little better labeling and timing on the slides. I was not sure what I was looking at and found it distracting from your voice. Your vocal tone was good and pace was spot on.
