Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Mia always wanted a puppy. Coming from a poor family, a pet was deemed unaffordable. For years she continued to save her money. Nothing would stand in her way of getting a dog. Turns out Mia would not have to spend a dime. Dad had been saving up all along.


  1. Great message. I enjoyed how you focused on the values of patience and perseverance. It highlights how good things come to those with the right attitude. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great Story and an emotional one! Dad's can never turn down daughters.

  3. Awwww, I loved the happy ending, daddy's little girl.

  4. Great ending, now they can get two dogs! ;p

  5. Very good message and morale from the story. Probably we need some of this attutude in our economy (to save and not over spend to keep our debts under control)

  6. Great job Caitlin. I loved the ending and how dads always come through for their daughters.

  7. Great ending. I like how you spent most of the words building our anticipation with Mia.
