Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2011 First Quarter Results

We are off to a powerful start in 2011, with all facets of the Adidas Group accelerating since year end 2010. Thanks to your hard work and dedication we achieved a new first quarter sales record of 3.5 billion, up 20% from our first quarter earnings in 2010. More importantly, our $3.5 billion in net sales is our highest quarterly growth rate in almost five years. This quarter also exhibited strong double-digit growth in our key three markets, which are North America, Greater China, and Russia, with a growth of 25%, 36%, and 44% respectively. This increase in net sales was fostered by a 20% in wholesale sales, a 25% increase in retail net sales, and an 18% increase in other business sales. More specifically, our Wholesale income represented 70% of first quarter net sales followed by 20% from retail and 10% from other businesses.

With our continued tremendous efforts, I firmly believe we can position ourselves in such a way that we can become the most powerful global sports and lifestyle brand in the world in the years to come. In fact, Reebok is just getting started! Congratulations on the first quarter and keep up the good work!  

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Mia always wanted a puppy. Coming from a poor family, a pet was deemed unaffordable. For years she continued to save her money. Nothing would stand in her way of getting a dog. Turns out Mia would not have to spend a dime. Dad had been saving up all along.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

This is an event you don't want to miss!

For all children, the first day of school should be a day of joy and excitement. But too many school-aged children living in homeless and low income situations don’t have the necessary learning tools and clothing they need to succeed in class and fit in with their peers.

In order to combat this tremendous need, Reebok has teamed up with Cradles to Crayons for the 5th annual Ready for School BACKPACK-A-THON to equip local disadvantaged school-aged children with brand new backpacks full of high-quality, age-appropraite
school supplies as well as the clothes, shoes, books, and other basic essentials they need to feel successful and be able to thrive in the classroom and at home.

At Reebok, we believe that a strong and consistent presence in communitites around the world is imperative and, therefore, the brand is committed to supporting community and philanthropic programs that make a positive difference in the lives of youth and the underdeserved. As a company that is well known for consistently volunteering their time and energy at many community projects, I encourage all employees to take part in stuffing over 25,000 backpacks at the BACKPACK-A-THON on August 12, 2011 at City Hall Plaza in Boston.

In addition to providing local children with new school supplies, this day of service will also serve as a high visibility event showcasing Reebok products and supplies. More importantly, the BACKPACK-A-THON will serve as an awesome team building opportunity for employees.

Looking forward to seeing all of you there!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Reebok and the use of Social Media

At Reebok, social media is becoming a pertinent way in which we do business. Seeing as our company is so dependent on this platform as a means of marketing and advertising, we strive to expose our company and employees to all types of social media. Our company has gained a lot of exposure and maintained a competitive advantage over other companies in the industry all by means of social media. Furthermore, the use of social media creates a lot of opportunity and strengths for Reebok such as increased brand awareness, increased traffic to website, better understanding of customers perceptions of our brand, able to develop targeted marketing activities, etc. 

The following link will direct you to Reebok's White Paper on Social Media: Reebok White Paper

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Improving Workplace Communication Style

As we have learned in the few short weeks we've been in class, although it may seem easy, communicating effectively takes quite a bit of skill. While I am unable to speak for everyone, I know several of us have just recently entered full-time employment after graduating from Western New England College in May 2010. With that said, choosing the right words, using appropriate body language, listening with our minds instead of just our ears, and getting our message across successfully are just a few skills that majority of individuals need to work on.

Unfortunately, today, jobs are not all that easy to come by. Therefore, it is crucial that we make an effort to improve our communication skills within the workplace. After all, it may even save or result in one getting a job. The article, Eight Tips to Improving Your Workplace Communication Style and Keeping Your Job, delves deep into several tips for improving communication in the workplace. I strongly encourage everyone to take a look at the article, for employing these simple yet effective strategies can enhance ones relationship with their colleagues and boss.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Statement to Company Workforce

At Reebok International, we strive to create products and marketing programs that reflect the brand’s unlimited creative potential. As a brand, we have the unique opportunity to help consumers, athletes, artists, and partners fulfill their true potential and reach heights they may have thought un-reachable.

Within the athletic footwear industry, our organization is positioned in a challenging and saturated market. In turn, our company is constantly faced with intense competition, ever-changing fashion trends, and the threat of price conscious consumers. As an organization we encourage our enthusiastic, talented, and valuable employees to continue utilizing our cost leadership strategy by designing and developing affordable apparel and shoes while incorporating industry leading technologies that appeal to our very broad market. Furthermore, we must continuously market our products and differentiate our brand against competitors in order to enhance sales and increase market share. I am confident in our employees and know we have what it takes to become the leading supplier of athletic footwear and apparel. In order to do so, Reebok must continue to challenge others and lead through creativity. More importantly we must lead by means of the following phrase, “business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming”.

Quote by: Richard Branson

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Peaks and Valleys of Organizational Communication

In my short yet extensive career history I have seen numerous positive and negative examples of organizational communication. Up until recently, I had a supervisor who practiced ineffective organizational communication on a daily basis. As a manager he lacked communication skills, was hard to understand, and he was constantly changing his mind. Meetings with him were often rushed and unproductive. Moreover, his e-mails containing tasks and instructions often left other co-workers and I confused and unsure as to what he was asking for. When my colleagues and I attempted to clear up instructions, my manager could never be found at his desk and he was unreliable when it came to responding to e-mails. Another reason as to why my manager’s actions are a prime example of ineffective organizational communication is due to the fact that once someone managed to complete a project for him he would decide he no longer needed certain parts and would ask that additional information be provided in lieu of what they had already researched.   This drastically prolonged the amount of time it took to complete a project. Needless to say, I was not surprised a couple of weeks ago when I found out that our company “no longer needed his services”.

Ironically, my former manager integrated effective organizational communication into the workplace when it came to training employees and addressing their responsibilities. Upon being hired, employees were taken through a thorough training process where individuals were walked through all policies, procedures, and duties. Furthermore, monthly meetings were held in order to go over any new policies/procedures that were implemented. Not only this, but daily goals were posted and communicated to all employees, thus ensuring the everyone was one the same page and that all associates were aware of what goals needed to be accomplished on that particular day.